New Business Venture Motivation: Comparative analysis between Chinese and Indonesian Postgraduate Students




Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Intention, Theory of Planned Behavior


Purpose: This study explores the complex comparative study aimed to explain Entrepreneurial Intention (EI) of Postgraduate students in Indonesia and China. The students was selected on consideration: who are studying postgraduate program, take an entrepreneurship seminar/training, and who have ever worked.

Theoretical framework: Theory of Planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) and Entrepreneurial Education by combining to this research. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which describes the intention by: attitudes, perceived behavioral control (PBC), and subjective norms. Entrepreneurship Education (ED) provide motivation, knowledge, and abilities for students to begin a business (Cho, 1998).

Design/methodology/approach: After using online and face to face questionnaire, this research using a model of causality or correlation influence to test the hypothesis proposed the analytical technique used is SEM (Structural Equation Modelling).

Findings: Results showed, when compared to Indonesia, ED system in China likely more to prepare and facilitate graduate students to be able to start a new venture. The lack of any significant direct effect on students in Indonesia in the ED to EI is possible for students think that ED they get is too theoretical and teachers did not give concrete advice or assistance to start or run their businesses. Subjective Norms are important factors that significantly affect EI on the sample in Indonesia.

Research, Practical & Social Implications: Practically, this research to contributes provides useful inputs to facilitate ED program in both countries (China and Indonesia).

Originality/Value: This study contributes to perceived control of behavior toward the intention of entrepreneurship with the education of entrepreneurship. The research determine the impact of Theory of Planned Behavior to determine intention of entrepreneurial.


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How to Cite

Prabandari, S. P. ., & Chong, D. . (2022). New Business Venture Motivation: Comparative analysis between Chinese and Indonesian Postgraduate Students. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 7(4), e0565.