


AI, Handwriting, Impact, Social Change, Educational Integration


Objective: The research objective is to investigate how the rapid advancement of technology, particularly the increasing reliance on digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) for note-taking and communication, influences handwriting practices. Specifically, to explore the attitudes, emotions, and experiences surrounding handwriting and digital communication in Jakarta.


Theoretical Framework: This research employs Social Change Theory as the theoretical framework to understand how technology influences handwriting practices. Social Change Theory provides a lens through which to examine the societal shifts brought about by technological advancements, considering how these changes impact individuals' behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions regarding handwriting and digital communication.


Method: The study utilizes qualitative research methods, including focus group discussions, observations, and interviews. These methods allow for a comprehensive exploration of participants' attitudes, emotions, and experiences related to handwriting and digital communication.


Results and Discussion: Findings from the study suggest that while AI and digital typing offer efficiency and accessibility, handwriting retains unique cognitive and emotional benefits. Participants express a range of attitudes towards handwriting and digital communication, highlighting both the advantages and drawbacks of each method. Managing the integration of AI, digital typing, and handwriting in education emerges as a potential solution to address concerns about technology dependence while fostering critical thinking and cultural appreciation for sustainability and the enhancement of the quality of education, as SDG’ No. 4.


Research Implications: The findings of this research have several implications for educational practice and policy that should recognize the value of incorporating handwriting alongside AI and digital typing in educational curricula.


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How to Cite

Harjanto, R., Mustafa, Z., Pertiwi, S. A., Nugroho, M. A., & Akib, S. (2024). MANAGING THE INTERSECTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, DIGITAL TYPING, AND HANDWRITING FOR SUSTAINABLE QUALITY EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 9(4), e04534.