Crisis Communication Management in Building Tourism Resilience in Bali Province During the Pandemic of COVID-19




Communication Strategy, Crisis Communication, Resilience, Tourism, Pandemic COVID-19


Objective: This study aims to analyze crisis communication management in Bali Province. The benefit of this research is to determine the application of crisis communication management in Bali Province in realizing tourism resilience.


Theoretical framework: This study uses the ASEAN Tourism Crisis Communications concept.


Method: This study uses the qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observation. The research location is in Bali Province involving stakeholders such as: the Bali Province Regional Disaster Management Agency, the Bali Province Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, the Bali Province Association of Disaster Experts, Bali Province Disaster Care Journalists, and the Bali Province Disaster Care Business Forum.


Results and Conclusion: The communications delivered during Covid-19 also pass through the stages of crisis management, such as risk identification, readiness, response, and recovery. In this instance, the 1943 traditional villages in Bali Province have become an essential component of the crisis communication management process. During the Covid-19 pandemic, technology, and social media were utilized all the way down to the village level.


Implications of the research: Crisis communication is an essential component of efforts to prevent disasters, especially the Covid-19 pandemic. During a health emergency, accuracy and rapidity of information are fundamental. Bali Province seeks collaboration between official, traditional, and religious elements in the crisis communication management process.


Originality/value: Tourism resilience will hasten the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. This is accomplished through cooperation between Bali's cultural and religious systems and the provincial government.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, M., Pinariya, J. M., Yulianti, W., & Maarif, S. (2023). Crisis Communication Management in Building Tourism Resilience in Bali Province During the Pandemic of COVID-19. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(7), e01966.